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24-25 Sacramental Preparation Schedule (pdf)
Religious Education Handbook (pdf)
DownloadDiscussion form (pdf)
DownloadZOOM Waiver (pdf)
DownloadService Hours Record (pdf)
DownloadMake-up Session Form (pdf)
Download11th grade: Choosing a St's Name (pdf)
Download11th grade: Confirmation Candidate Name (pdf)
Download11th grade: Photo Authorization Form (pdf)
Download11th grade: Service Hours Forms (pdf)
Download11th grade: Sponsor Eligibility Form (pdf)
Download11th grade: Sponsor-Candidate Meeting Form (pdf)
DownloadConfirmation Candidate Info (pdf)
DownloadFamilies looking for prayers and health resources are encouraged to look
at the links provided by the Diocese. Click the button below to learn more.
The Director coordinates and directs the Grade School religion education classes, the Confirmation Program, and the Christian Initiation Process.
Director: Sue Teske (695-0912)
The Confirmation Program is a three-year process of formation for the youth of the parish preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Coordinator: Sue Teske (695-0912)
Weekly classes of religious instruction and faith formation for the public school students of the parish. Classes are held on Sundays during the school year from 8:45 AM -9:45 AM.
Coordinator: Sue Teske (695-0912)
This process of initiation forms and welcomes adults into the Catholic faith community.