The Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown has created a way for you to give electronically to our parish. Please follow the instructions below.
1. Go to:
2. Click on the "Make a Donation" under the "Your Parish Offertory" section
3. Choose if you would like your donation to be reoccurring or one time.
4. Select the amount you would like to give, or enter your own amount.
5. Choose either "St. Mary, Hollidaysburg (053)" or "St. Michael, Hollidaysburg (054)"
6. Then continue filling in the remaining sections.
Our parishes will receive a report on all donations, and money collected will be forwarded to the parish. (The diocese will not be recording the gift or donor info in for their donor database.) Please call the parish office if you have any questions.
Both parishes provide weekly envelopes. You are welcome to worship at either church, and place your collection where you are. If your envelope is marked for either St. Mary or St. Michael the money counters will make sure that your donation goes to that church.
St. Mary Parish provides envelopes yearly, but if you are new to the parish they will be happy to send a box to you.
St. Michael parish will be happy to supply you with envelopes that you may return to the church through the weekly collection or mail it to the parish office: 301 Spruce Street - Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
Envelopes are mailed directly to you every other month.
Please contact the parish office if you wish to receive a packet, or if your mailing address has changed.