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Contact the parish office if you see a way YOU (or your family) can help!
Having a person(s) at the sound board at each Mass is important. It is actually quite easy and we will train you until you feel comfortable with the equipment. We are upgrading the system and adding the ability to live stream Masses, so having some trained volunteers now will greatly help once the equipment is installed.
Weeding, leaf collecting, mowing etc… although the need is not great right now, our grounds will still need some attention before the snow starts coming. (Fr. Alan and volunteers have been doing this all summer allowing for us to save quite a bit of money.)
Check to make sure the needs of church (dusting, changing the altar cloth, filling holy water dispensers etc.. are met throughout the week. (You pick the time and day that works for you!)
Open/close the church, turn on/off lights, set-up the supplies for Mass, etc...Easy do before and after the Mass you normally attend.
Greet people as they come to Mass, hand out Mass guides/bulletins, help people find seats and gather the collection
You must be a confirmed, practicing Catholic, and commissioned be the Bishop to help distribute communion during Mass (and outside as needed). Fr. will train you if you are interested.
When families or individuals are facing an illness or recovering from surgery , or death in the family, we like to offer prepared meals to help them through the difficult times. Volunteers will be asked to make and deliver the meal to the family/individual per their dietary and family needs.
As you decorate you home, remember your church home needs decorating too! Come help set up trees, hang garland, set-up the manger, etc… those who can lift boxes and climb ladders are always needed as well.
The Parish Council realizes how important it is that we keep in touch with parishioners especially those who have not been able to attend Mass due to health concerns. They would like some extra volunteers to help make phone calls. Can be done as your schedule permits.
Are you an individual who is organized and has a few hours each week to call and schedule volunteers? We could certainly use your help! Help us match peoples talents with the parish’s needs.
Our energized committee is ready to serve the needs of the faith community. We need volunteers for meal prep and serving at funeral luncheons and providing refreshments and appetizers for multiple social events. If you wish to volunteer to be a server/host or to make a side dish/dessert for these events, please click below.
Tell us what talents/interest/ abilities you have that you would like to share with us!